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AirHUD™ Training

Introducing AirHUD™ Training – the ultimate solution for anyone looking to improve their drone flying skills. With our innovative software, you can fly a simulated drone anywhere you want, in any environment you want, no matter the weather.

Our cutting-edge software provides a safe and controlled environment for pilots to hone their skills, without the risk of damaging their drone.

With AirHUD™ Training, you’ll feel as if you’re actually flying the drone, making it easier to understand and master the controls.

Learn how to fly a drone in your office

AirHUD™ Training is perfect for beginners, hobbyists, and professionals alike. It offers real-time and authentic feedback on the controls, so you can see how your stick movements and other commands affect the flight of the drone. This allows you to make instant adjustments and perfect your flying skills.

The possibilities are unlimited – you can simulate the flight of the drone, anywhere you want, and get real-time feedback on your performance.

So, whether you’re looking to improve your flying skills, have some fun, or prepare for a mission at real location safely, AirHUD™ Training is the perfect solution. The sky isn’t the limit – order yours today and experience the thrill of flying a drone like never before!

Return on Investment image

The software offers a fast return on investment

  • Insurance savings as there is no need to take out premiums simply to train
  • Travel savings, as currently training is done face to face, often in different countries
  • Time savings, as training becomes weather independent
AirHUD training module

AirHUD™ Training provides a safer training environment allowing you to:

  • Fly a simulated drone in the classroom for basic controls training
  • Fly a simulated drone outdoors in real environment to hone the skills
  • Finally, flying a real drone in real environment with the confidence and safety that AirHUD™ gives you
Flight Plan Drone Image

You can train at your own pace to get professional accreditation:

  • Simulate flights that follow EASA / CAA / FAA regulations
  • Gain and maintain your skills in flying the drone, with safety and regardless of weather
  • Practice all the complex flying scenarios before you take your real test

Industrial Inspections

With the AirHUD™ Training, you can simulate industrial inspections in a safe and controlled environment.

Using the AR glasses, you can fly a virtual drone to inspect a real windmill, a bridge, a forest or a telecoms antenna allowing you to get real-time feedback on your performance.

This allows you to improve your skills and become confident in your ability to perform industrial inspections before switching to the actual drone.

Industry Pilot Training

The AirHUD™ Training is an efficient and cost-effective way to train drone pilots. 

By using the AR glasses, pilots can train anywhere, at their own pace, without the need to travel to training centres in different parts of the world. This saves time and money.

In addition, the AirHUD™ Drone Training provides a safer training environment, as pilots can practise flying and performing inspections without the risk of crashing the drone.

This allows pilots to build their confidence and experience in a controlled environment, leading to better performance when flying an actual drone.

Finally, by using the AirHUD™ Drone Training, pilots can demonstrate their proficiency and receive accredited certification far faster than if they had to fly actual drones to train all the time.

Training drone pilots with AR
Drone Enthusiast Image

Drone Enthusiasts

The AirHUD™ Training is an excellent solution for general enthusiasts who are looking to improve their drone flying skills without any risk. 

Imagine you just got a drone but are a bit worried about crashing it into a tree on your first flight.

Augmented Reality (AR) glasses provide a realistic and immersive experience, allowing you to fly a simulated drone and get real-time feedback on your performance.

You can train at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home, backyard or forest if you like.

You can fly the simulated drone to explore different environments, practice flying in different weather conditions, and work on your aerial photography skills.

The AirHUD™ Drone Training is a safe and cost-effective way for you to train, as you can practise without the risk of damaging your real drone.

This allows you to improve your skills and build confidence in your abilities, making you a better pilot and providing a more enjoyable experience when you migrate to flying a real drone.

See it in action

Contact our team to book demo and see how AirHUD™ performs in action!

Book a demo

Supported platforms

The AirHUD™ Training needs the actual drone on the floor, powered up, but not flying.

  • Mavic 3 Enterprise models
  • M30 models
  • Mini 3 Pro
  • Matrice 300, 350
  • Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced, RTK module also supported
  • Mavic 2 Enterprise
  • Mavic 2 Pro
  • Phantom 4 Pro V2
  • Mavic Air 2
  • Mavic Air 2s
  • Mini 2
  • DroneLab SkyQube

Other drone platforms can be supported according to client needs, please inquire.

The headsets supported by AirHUD Training include HoloLens 2, Trimble XR10 and Meta Quest Pro.

Downloads and Documentation

The latest versions of the AirHUD™ applications and the documentation are available for downloading and viewing at The documentation is continuously updated with new content, so be sure to visit the website frequently.
